
Zbrush - ZScripts - E Tools - Written for Zbrush 2021.7
  • Lazy Mouse Quick Setup - Activates lazy mouse and sets its steps to '0' and the Smooth to '16' and the lazy radius to '50'" for clean smooth strokes on any brush
  • QTrans Toggle - Toggles 'QTransThreshold1' on and off so you can easily control whether or not zbrush auto steps down SubD levels when rotating around your tool
  • Expert UI - This script hides your entire interface including the menu bar at the top to maximize your sculpting real-estate
  • ZFolders - Toggles use of Zfolders on and off
  • Del QS Files - Deletes QuickSave Files
  • Clear GoZ - Clears GoZ Cache
  • Auto Fit Window Size 2 - Creates a new document that automatically has the largest possible screen dimensions for the Zbrush UI. This way when you go into expert mode, your document takes up the entire screen and there is no wasted space
  • Focus - Frames just your selected subtool on the canvas and then scales the tool in slightly so it isn't so close to the canvas borders. *Full credit goes to Marcus Civis for the latest revision of this script.*
  • Focus All - Frames all of your subtools on the canvas and then scales them in slightly so it isn't so close to the canvas borders. *Full credit goes to Marcus Civis for the latest revision of this script*
  • Unhide Focus - Unhides all of your current subtool and centers it on the canvas and then scales it in slightly to give you more room around the boarder of your canvas
  • Grid Setup - Toggles the grid on and off and sets it to look more like Maya's grid
  • Reset Light - Reloads zbrush's default light
  • R Click Popup - Toggles 'Preferences > Interface > Navigation > Enable RightClick Popup' on and off
  • Minimum Subdivision Level - Automatically goes to the lowest SubD level of your model (faster than going through them manually)
  • Maximum Subdivision Level - Automatically goes to the highest SubD level of your model (faster than going through them manually)
  • Reset Transforms - Sets the currently active tools export scale to 1 and x,y,z to 0,0,0
  • Smart Subdivision - Keeps your tool from shrinking/smoothing too much when subdividing. Source code adapted by Marcus Civis from Svengali's plugin of Sept. 2005. Originally, conceived by Marsyas
  • Zero Tool Position - Zeros the current tool's geometry position on X and Z to 0,0
  • Delete All Subdivisions - Deletes selected SubD levels on all subtools
  • Fix Mesh All - Runs "Tool > Geometry > MeshIntegrity > Fix Mesh" on all subtools
  • Force Mirror And Weld - Mirrors and Welds on your tool on the currently selected axis, at the selected SubD level; regardless if there are SubD levels or if part of the mesh is hidden. Mirror and weld will also work on both the positive and negative axis
  • Merge Weld - Toggles 'Tool > Subtool > Merge > Weld' on all subtools
  • Merge UV - Toggles 'Tool > Subtool > Merge > UV' on all subtools
  • Live Boolean - Toggles on and off Live Boolean
  • Make Boolean - Converts Live Boolean geo into actual geo and gives you the option to turn on Dynamic Subdiv
  • Dynamic Subdiv Visual Toggle - Toggles 'Dynamic Subdivision' on and off for all visible subtools unless they have regular SubDivision Levels already
  • Dynamic Subdiv All Toggle - Toggles 'Dynamic Subdivision' on and off for all subtools
  • Dynamic Subdiv All On - Turns on 'Dynamic Subdivision' for all subtools unless they have regular SubDivision Levels already
  • Dynamic Subdiv All Off - Turns off 'Dynamic Subdivision' for all subtools unless they have regular SubDivision Levels already
  • Dynamic Subdiv Visual On - Turns on 'Dynamic Subdivision' for all visible subtools unless they have regular SubDivision Levels already
  • Dynamic Subdiv Visual Off - Dynamic Subdivision' for all visible subtools unless they have regular SubDivision Levels already
  • Flip UVs on Visible - Automatically flips the UV's for every visible subtool on your selected tool vertically
  • Flip UVs on All - Automatically flips the UV's for every subtool on your selected tool vertically
  • Import Obj Flip UV - Automatically flips the selected tools UV's vertically then opens the export dialogue box, then flips the tools UVs back again, This script is used in conjunction with my Export Obj Flip UV script. If you don't flip your UV's back before exporting than your UV's will be flipped in whatever other application you are viewing your .obj in
  • Export Obj Flip UV - Opens the import .obj dialogue box and then automatically flips the .obj's UV’s Vertically for viewing of textures and UV’s correctly inside of zbrush
  • PUV Tiles - Can create PUVs for either all visible subtools or just visible subtools that have missing UVs
  • Delete All UVs - Automatically deletes UVs on all subtools
  • Apply UV map Border - Applies UV map border size to all visible subtools from the value set in the slider above
  • Setup Gradient Map - Loads in a gradient texture map and adds it to spotlight to project onto your mesh for gradient map creation
  • Create from Polygroups - Creates a color ID map from your subtools existing polygroups for each of your visible subtools. Also automates creating PUVs for all subtools if no UVs are found, if desired
  • Create from UVs - Creates a color ID map from your subtools UV islands for each of your visible subtools. Also automates creating PUVs for all subtools if no UVs are found, if desired
  • Create from Subtool - Creates a color ID map from your individual subtool elements for each of your visible subtools. Also automates creating PUVs for all subtools if no UVs are found, if desired
  • Bump Map Setup - Working with bump maps in zbrush is very tedious so I made this script in conjunction with "View Bump Map" and "Paint Bump Map" to speed up the process. This script takes out all the tedious parts of setting your model up to create a bump map. It automates setting your RGB color to 128, 128, 128 for a total 50% grey map. And then creates a texture off of that color and then loads the bump viewer material. Then sets your RGB color to 255, 255, 255. It also sets your DSmooth to "1" to minimize PM artifacts. It also loads in lights that make it easier to see what you are doing when painting your bump map.
  • View Bump Map - Working with bump maps in zbrush is very tedious so I made this script in conjunction with "Paint Bump Map" and "Bump Map Setup" to speed up the process. This script converts your bump map from a texture to an alpha and then sets the displacement mode to off and the intensity to 1. It also loads in a material and lighting that are more intuitive for showing off your model and the bump map. This is for quick viewing of your bump map in real time with your diffuse texture.
  • Paint Bump Map - Working with bump maps in zbrush is very tedious so I made this script in conjunction with "View Bump Map" and "Bump Map Setup" to speed up the process. This script converts your bump map from a alpha to a texture in zbrush quickly so you can work on it correctly via Polypaint. It also Reloads the bumpviewer material and loads in lights that make it easier to see what you are doing when using the bump viewer material. This is to be used to go back to painting your bump map after you have pressed the "View Bump Map" button to view your map correctly on the canvas.
  • Polyframe All - Does a very fast BPR Render of your model to display the Polyframe on all subtools. Best if assigned to a hotkey
  • Shadows 3.5 - Toggles shadows being displayed on and off on the tool and makes the shadow display rendering faster
  • Shadows 4.3 - Toggles shadows being displayed on and off on the tool and makes the shadow display rendering faster
  • Wax Prev 1 - Automatically sets up preview and BPR settings for 'SSS' rendering on any material
  • Wax Prev 2 - Automatically sets up preview and BPR settings for 'wax' rendering on any material
  • Preview AO 1 - Automatically sets up preview and BPR settings for 'Preview AO' rendering on any material
  • Preview AO 2 - Automatically sets up preview and BPR settings for 'Preview AO' rendering on any material

Zbrush - ZScripts - Drust Tools - Written for Zbrush 2018.1
  • DrustTools_1.2.0 - Combines all of Joseph Drust's macro packs into one plugin for ease of use. Source code included. *Majority credit goes to Joseph Drust on these scripts.

    Here are two videos that Joseph Drust put together to go over the functionality of the macros that he created and that I have updated, and combined into a single Zplugin.

Zbrush - Brushes
  • E_Dam_Standard - This brush is a modified version of the Dam_Standard brush, I felt that brush never really created smooth strokes, so I changed it so that it would
  • E_Pin - This brush is similar to the Dam_Standard brush, except it doesn't pinch your stroke.
  • E_ClayBuildup - This is the most common brush I use when I sculpt.
  • E_ClayTubes - This is the most common brush I use when creating monsters.
  • E_Smooth - This is the smooth brush that I mainly use, it is a slightly modified smooth brush to not be quite as strong as the default Zbrush 4r7 smooth brush.
  • E_spray_large - This is a brush I use when painting skin tone, it sprays a slightly varied array of colored dots.
  • E_spray_small - This is another brush I use when painting skin tone, it sprays a smaller, tighter, slightly varied array of colored dots.

Zbrush - Matcaps
  • E_Zbrush_Fav_Materials - This is a collection of my favorite materials (that I have found all over the web) to use when sculpting and presenting models in Zbrush.

Photoshop - Brushes
  • E_hair_brushes - This is a collection of my favorite brushes (that I have found all over the web) to use in Photoshop when painting hair/fur.

Photoshop - JavaScripts - Written for Photoshop CC 2015
  • ToggleUVs - This script toggles the visibility of a predefined folder group named "UVs" on and off. This makes it very easy to quickly turn off and on your UV overlay in Photoshop. You can assign this script to an action and then hotkey that action to speed up the process.

3DS Max - MaxScripts - All MaxScripts were written for 3DS Max 2016
  • E_ClearSelection - This script clears the current mesh selection while keeping the focus on said selection so you can rotate your view around the focus point without having to be in a sub-object mode.
  • E_EdgeMode - This script force goes to the selected objects edge mode no matter where you are in the modifier stack
  • E_FaceMode - This script force goes to the selected objects face mode no matter where you are in the modifier stack.
  • E_NurmSubdivToggle - This script force goes into the modify panel and then turns on nurms subdiv no matter where you are in the modifier stack.
  • E_ToggleViewportModes - This script toggles between wire frame, smooth highlights and facet highlights viewport modes.